To Survive and Prosper: It’s Time to Think Strategically
About Your Children, Your Household, and Your Family Culture!
About Your Children, Your Household, and Your Family Culture!
strat-e-gies: The art of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward a goal.
If you are a Christian parent living in the twenty-first century, you need to think strategically about your family. Settling for the priorities and practices of the world is a proven formula for disaster. As parents, we must do more than settle. We must self-consciously choose. This requires strategic biblical thinking. It means self-consciously building your family culture. And whether the subject is entertainment choices, home décor, travel, music in the home, or dealing with antagonistic relatives, it means that wise, Scripturally-informed parents must think creatively as they aggressively engage impediments and obstacles to success.