If your church shut-down, split, went belly up, etc., would you keep growing in your walk with Christ?
If you moved, got transferred, enlisted in the service, or found yourself alone in life, would you keep growing in your walk with Christ?
If your "fellowship" ended on your last day at your old church, would you keep growing in your walk with Christ?
Sometimes the walk of a Christian calls us to keep growing on our own. You may not always find yourself surrounded by other Christian Men, but the biblical injunction to keep growing still applies.
The Martyrs of near and distant lands often went to their deaths alone, with not a sole to comfort them, except for their Christ. He is sufficient. He is all we need. He is the gospel, and the gospel is what we stand in, are saved by, and propels us forward in the face of adversity. The battle for the kingdom summons you to bear arms, you must continue to fight for the heart of your King even if you look around and it's just you on the battlefield. Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing what is right in the face of adversity. Are you courageous-- are you a warrior your Christ can count on-- or do you shrivel and cower when the arrows of life and your enemy start flying?
As I write this, I'm listening to "Beautiful Day" by U2, and it's helping me think about the fact that everyday is a beautiful day that is walked with the precious Lord Jesus Christ. He gave all in the face of opposition. He shed His blood when His orders called Him to. He is our great God and King and is calling all His mighty Men to do battle in the arena of life. Can you hear the trumpet? Can you hear the roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah? Will you show up for battle?
I hate hearing of Men who once walked with Christ, but now, because they're not "in church" anymore, have lost their way and turned their backs on Christ. What was the church to them? A nursery? A playground? Or was it what it's suppose to be, a training center, equipping Men to go into battle ready to deal the enemy a death blow every chance he got. Equipping Men to keep growing in their walks with Christ when they're on their own. Ready to lead his family with courage, to disciple his children with diligence, and to love his wife with unwavering devotion!
I'm a church guy. I believe Christ shed His blood for her. I believe whenever possible, Men should be servants in a local assembly, contributing to the prosperity of that church, helping her reach her community. If you're in a healthy, missional, gospel centered local assembly consider yourself blessed. Unfortunately, not all are. Not all have found what the scriptures call churches to be, and my point isn't to blame churches, but to call Men. To call Men to keep growing when everything in you is beckoning you to stop walking with Christ.
If you have stopped walking with the Lord because your "on your own," imagine where we'd be if Christ had done the same...