Friday, December 17, 2010

Tools to Help in Your Leadership Role

I'll be the first to admit - leading a family spiritually isn't easy - and doing it alone is even harder. As a first generation Christian I know the challenges first hand that arise when you set out to break destructive cycles in your life. It can feel overwhelming at times- and truth be told, it is overwhelming at times- and only does having a proper perspective help me make it to the next day.

This is why I'm so glad that in today's day and age, we have the opportunity to invest in ourselves, and in the lives of those around us, with just the click of the mouse, the flip of the page, or the scroll of an ipod. There's no reason to be unequipped to lead your home; there's no reason to lack the resources necessary to lead your family courageously.

My wife, June, of A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, has put together some resources for men that would help build resolve and fortitude in anyone receiving such a gift. Now's the perfect time to invest in yourself, in your husband, in your family, in your future. The work's been done; the ideas are the there; just look over the resources, and if you're able, make the the investment. Visit her blog and look over the resources by clicking here.

I wish everyone good health.....good laughs.....and very Merry Christmas!