The 10 motives (edited slightly to contemporize the language):
- The holy government of families (by fathers) is a considerable part of God’s own government of the world, and the contrary is a great part of the devil’s government.
- An ungoverned, ungodly family is a powerful means to the damnation of all the members of it.
- A holy, well-governed family tends not only to the safety of the members, but also to the ease and pleasure of their lives.
- A holy and well-governed family doth tend to make a holy posterity, and so to propagate the fear of God from generation to generation.
- A holy, well-governed family is the preparative to a holy and well-governed church.
- Well-governed families tend to make a happy state and commonwealth. A good education is the first and greatest work to make good magistrates and good subjects, because it tends to make good men.
- If the governors of families did faithfully perform their duties, it would be a great supply as to any defects in the pastor’s part, and a singular means to propagate and preserve religion in times of public negligence or persecution.
- The duties of your families are such as you may perform with greatest peace, and lease exception or opposition from others.
- Well-governed families are honorable and exemplary to others.
- Holy, well-governed families are blessed with the special presence and favor of God.
Fathers, hear and heed the wise pastor Baxter.