Obviously, I, like many of my readers, have been a bit discouraged in light of the recent election. And I don’t mean the outcome. Those of you how know me, or follow my blog know that I was disappointed long before the primaries ended, and have been a “third party” guy since long before this election (ironically, some accuse me of jumping on the third party bandwagon because the Republicans added a woman to the ticket). At any rate, Jesus is still on the throne. So don’t be discouraged. Here are ten things about which I am encouraged in light of the recent election:
1.Evangelicals will be forced to rely on the gospel instead of the government as the means of cultural transformation.
2.The reality of Gramscian Marxist cultural hegemony can no longer be denied (even McCain was at times running on a socialist agenda, i.e., the “bailout” of home owners). Perhaps Christians can have an honest discussion about the role of education and media in worldview formation, and the failure of both the church, and the family to assume a proper role in the matter.
3.Perhaps this judgment on our Republic (which I believe either ticket would have represented to some degree) will bring about sober repentance, reformation and revival in the church.
4.The pro-life movement has been re-energized. It seems those who love and believe in the sanctity of life, and desire to protect the unborn relied on Mr. Bush to “fix things” during his presidency. Now we know that was not the case. Though abortions have decreased slightly, the genocide continues. It never stopped. The government is not the answer! God alone will give us victory in this arena, and he will not share his glory with another.
5.Perhaps “conservatives” will dust off the Constitution and start holding our leaders accountable to it again. In the past eight years George W. Bush has in many ways made a mockery of the Constitution (the Patriot Act, “No Child Left Behind,” an undeclared, unconstitutional war, proposing the $700 Billion bailout, etc.). Unfortunately, many conservatives gave him a pass. I have a feeling Mr. Obama will be called to task for doing things Mr. Bush did in spades (i.e., the largest expansion of government in American history).
6.Mr. Obama is now ‘off script’ (as evidenced by his Nancy Reagan comment and subsequent apology), and will no longer be able to get by with vague rhetoric (Hope and Change will now have to be defined). His ‘smooth’ factor will be reduced by a factor of ten if his first press conference is any indication. Look for more “Joe the Plumber” type moments of honesty in the future. Perhaps he will soon be seen as a President worthy of the respect the office carries rather than a Messiah to be worshipped.
7.Mr. Obama garnered 52% of the popular vote (the first Democrat to get a majority of the popular vote since Jimmy Carter), and won the Electoral College by a two-to-one margin, thus completely negating the “wasted vote” argument used by many conservatives to chasten third party voters.
8.America circumvented the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton crowd and still got a black president. In fact, Jackson has been openly critical of Obama. Now the typical Jackson/Sharpton/NAACP crowd will have to find a new argument since a black man now holds the highest office in the land. No more, “The Man is keeping us down” since you don’t get higher than the White House. This was an American accomplishment whether you like the guy or not. Interestingly, our “secular government” was able to find a black president before many Christian organizations (i.e., the Southern Baptist Convention... I only mention them because I’m a Southern Baptist, and I know the powers-that-be would love to have crossed that bridge long ago).
9.The “discussion” about race/racism in this country now includes the racist comments and attitudes of the Jeremiah Wrights and Louis Farrakhans of the world. Before, black racism got a pass (i.e., the argument that blacks can’t be racist because they “have no power”). Now the Wright issue has forced Mr. Obama do distance himself from black liberation theology, and we may have a window of opportunity (in the church) to have a real “come to Jesus meeting” about the sin of racism on both sides