Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Letter to My Friends by Mrs. June Fuentes

The following is taken from my wife's blog, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. She was nominated as a Top 25 blog about faith and womanhood, and is hoping to gain new readers and, also their vote in the contest. The goal isn't to promote herself, but the God she serves and writes about in her blog. If you have a minute, please visit the the site promoting the nominees by clicking the button below. Thanks in advance, and may the LORD bless you! 

Dear Friends,

I was recently notified that A Wise Woman Builds Her Home was nominated by Circle of Moms to their Top 25 Faith Blogs by Moms. I am so honored and grateful for this unique opportunity to even be on such a list. I also have learned that if this blog does get on the Top 25 it will be exposed to 6 million of their readers and much more on their social media channels, etc. What a wonderful way to spread the news and ministry of Jesus Christ to other women!

So while I normally don't do this, I am humbly asking that if you have been encouraged here and would like to see this blog encourage six million other women to please graciously vote for us to keep us in the Top 25. You may do so by clicking on the image below and then clicking 'vote' in the right upper hand corner next to my blog--it's pretty simple:

Notice that this contest is different as it allows voters to caste a vote every 24 hours until June 8th-- so be sure to get your votes in and if not  for mine, then for another wonderful blogger as there are many great blogs listed there!

Thank you for all your support and love--we so appreciate each and every one of you!

May the Lord bless you mightily as we seek to spread the word about Him!