Ed Stetzer has authored many books including, Breaking the Missional Code: Your Church Can Become a Missionary in Your Community
, Comeback Churches
, and Planting Missional Churches.
In his book, Breaking the Missional Code, he writes:
Some things to consider as we continue on our journey's for the LORD...Missiology is birthed from our understanding of who Jesus is. Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). Who Christ is and how he is sent matters. How we do mission flows from our understanding of God's mission and directs our missiology. How we do church is grounded in Scripture but applied in culture. Thus we have the intersection of who Jesus is and what he has sent us to do (Christology); the forms and strategies we use to to most effectively expand the kingdom where we are sent (missiology); and the expression of the New Testament church that is most appropriate in this context (ecclesiology). [1]